Game Changer in Digital Growth has been successfully completed — 24MEDIA

Game Changer in Digital Growth has been successfully completed

The 1st Game Changer in Digital Growth conference was successfully completed on Tuesday 28 March. The conference was organized by 24MEDIA, the largest digital media Group in Greece, in collaboration with the strategic communication company “Symeon G. Tsomokos”, in the Nikos Skalkotas hall of the Athens Megaron Concert Hall.

More than 400 company and bank executives, sector specialists and press representatives, participated in the conference.

No less than 24 distinguished speakers made extensive reference to the latest developments in digital growth and showcased best practices.
Mr. Thomas Skordas, Director, "Digital Excellence & Science Infrastructure",DG CONNECT & Acting Head of Unit FET Flagshios, European Commission, opened the conference and talked about the priorities and the future steps to be taken by the European Commission with regard to the digital single market. Mr. Michael Tsamaz, Chairman and CEO of OTE, in his role as representative of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV), mentioned the need to upgrade the country’s digital infrastructure, so as not only to speed up growth but also to stop the ongoing outflow of specialized sector professionals who chose to move abroad.

The views of Mr. Giannis Kokotos, Head of ABB’s Industrial Automation, on Industry 4.0, were also of particular interest, as were those of Mr. Georgios Gerardos, President of Plaision S.A., who spoke of how a company may, in the long run, meet the challenges posed by current conditions. Ms Nelly Tzakou-Lambropoulou, General Manager of Retail Banking of the National Bank of Greece, pointed out the various challenges the traditional banking sector will have to face on its way to digital restructuring, as well as the steps that have been and remain to be taken in the country towards that direction.

The conference was concluded with a presentation by Mr. Paul Papadimitriou, a pioneering international entrepreneur, founder of Intelligencr, which utterly engrossed the audience.

OTE Group was the event’s grand sponsor, ABB was a sponsor, whilst the National Bank, Regus, BCA College, and Athens Tech College participated as supporters. AEGEAN was the event’s official carrier. The conference was held under the auspices of GRECA, the Hellenic Association of Computer Engineers (HACE) and the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), whilst media sponsorship was provided by Direction Business Network with AdBusiness, Business Today, Α, Β and Huffington Post Greece.

For further information on the conference please visit:
