Game Changer in Digital Growth — 24MEDIA

Game Changer in Digital Growth

The first Game Changer conference on digital growth to be held on March 28 at the            Athens Megaron Concert Hall.


It is only a few days until the leading “Digital Growth” conference, during which a number of prestigious speakers from the world of business and digital growth specialists, will be discussing and finding answers to some of the issues pertaining to today’s market, including: potential and challenges for the digitalization of companies and services, the impact of the digital revolution on education and human resources as well as new forms of employment.  

The conference is organized by the digital media network 24MEDIA and the strategic communications company Symeon G. Tsomokos S.A.

Some of the speakers at the conference are: Michael Tsamaz, Chairman & CEO of the OTE Group & and BoD Member of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises, Thomas Skordas, Director of Digital Excellence & Science Infrastructure, DG CONNECT, European Commission, Nelly Tzakou-Lambropoulou, General Manager of Retail Banking, Member of the Euro Banking Association, National Bank of Greece, Giannis Kokkotos, General Director of Industrial Automation,  ΑΒΒ Greece and Cyprus, Paul Papadimitriou, Global innovation scout & Customer Experience Expert, Founder, Intelligencr, UK, Andreas Athanasopoulos, Vice-president & CEO, Dixons South East Europe-Kotsovolos, Menny Barzilay, Cyber Security Expert, Co-founder, FortyTwo Cyber Security Professional Services (Israel)  & FortyTwo R&D Labs (India), CTO, Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center, Tel-Aviv University, Dr Alex Eleftheriadis, Chief Scientist and co-founder, Vidyo, USA, Kostis Stavropoulos, CEO, iSquare,  Milaidi Stoumpou, Director of Cloud Productivity Sales for Germany & CEE, Microsoft, Manolis Manasakis, General Director, Uber Greece 

The conference shall be held under the auspices of GRECA, the Hellenic Association of Computer Engineers (HACE) and the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB).

For further information and the analytical schedule visit the conference website and directly ensure your ticket from here.

Grand Sponsor: ΟΤΕ Group of Companies
Sponsor: ABB
Official Carrier: AEGEAN
Media Sponsors: Direction Business Network-AdBusiness, Business Today,, and The Huffington Post Greece.
