24MEDIA Group’s news media brands exclusive ICIJ collaborators in the Paradise Papers revelations in Greece — 24MEDIA

24MEDIA Group’s news media brands exclusive ICIJ collaborators in the Paradise Papers revelations in Greece

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24MEDIA participated in the global journalistic investigation concerning the Paradise Papers, as the exclusive media partner of ICIJ (International Consortium of Investigative Journalists) in Greece. The Group’s news media brands, News247.gr, Radio 24/7 as well as the newspaper “Ethnos” exclusively reveal the leaked Paradise Papers data on tax havens.
The Paradise papers are one of the largest journalistic disclosures, involving 380 investigative journalists and 96 media sources such as The Guardian, BBC, Le Monde, The New York Times & CBC, in 67 countries. The Paradise Papers’ data consists of over 13.4 million documents with a total volume of 1.4 terabytes in which are concealed the offshore connections off over 120 public figures from 47 different countries, including Greece.
The Paradise Papers leak originates from two offshore service providers, Appleby and Asiaciti Trust, with head offices in the Bermuda Islands and Singapore, as well as from the 19 corporate records from tax havens and secrecy jurisdictions. The leaks were received by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, which shared the information with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and its network of hundreds of journalists. In Greece investigations on the leaked data are published from the 24MEDIA Group’s news media.
